We can give you a fair offer on your home. E.C. Inc. of VA can save you time, save you money, and close fast! Compare our services to working with a Realtor:
Realtor: 6% (average) is paid by you as the seller
E.C. Inc. of VA: NONE
Realtor: 2% (average) is paid by you
E.C. Inc. of VA: NONE (we pay all closing costs)
Realtor: +15% sales fall through
E.C. Inc. of VA: NONE
Realtor: Sale is subject to appraisal
E.C. Inc. of VA: NONE- we make cash offers
Realtor: ~90 days (3 months!)
E.C. Inc. of VA: Cash offer immediately
Realtor: Multiple showings daily until house is sold in ~3 months
E.C. Inc. of VA: 1 showing to us!
Realtor: 30-60 days after offer is accepted
E.C. Inc. of VA: Fast closings, you pick the date!
Realtor: Most likely you, though can be negotiated back and forth
E.C. Inc. of VA: NONE
Get in touch with us today by calling (804) 240-0168. Still on the fence? Click the button below to read testimonials by our happy clients.
Richmond, VA
Mon - Sat: 7:00 am - 9:00 pm
Sun: Closed